Getting to the root of our own limiting believes
- What is something you would like to do or have and you feel there is something stopping you?
- What is it stopping you from getting what you want? (This may be the 2nd thought that popped into your head.. a justification?)
- & what is really stopping you?
- Why is this a problem for you?
- Why is answer 4 a problem for you?
- Why is answer 5 a problem for you?
- Why is answer 6 a problem for you?
- Why is answer 7 a problem for you?
- What must you believe for this problem to exist?
- What must you believe about yourself that makes this a problem?
11. What must you believe about the world that makes this a problem?
12. At what point in life did you decide this was a problem?
13. At what point in life did you buy in to this problem?
14. What decision did you make that gave this problem life?
15. What does this problem really mean to you and your life?
16. If this problem was to go away what difference would it make to your life?
17. If this problem was to go away what difference would it make to the people around you?