Why is Coaching needed following an episode of compassion fatigue??
The Emotional Impact on Self
Being a Social Worker comes with the unwritten understanding that it is a tough job with little external validation. Burn out, stress, depression, co-dependancy and compassion fatigue are unconsciously & consciously accepted as a norm.
Once you have hit rock bottom like many social workers do what tends to happen is a period of sick leave where you sit numb, cry and feel guilty and before you even get around to the important part of healing time to get back to work. Often two things happen you leave the profession or you go back in and await the next episode, Which inevitably happens as you had not fully recovered or found new long term lasting strategies, taking a lunch break what should have been simple only last the first week!
I need to make a confession before we start. I am not really a coach; I am a Social Work cheerleader! I want to cheer you on as we work on issues that are making it difficult to find balance and happiness in your personal life & Social Work practice.
My integrated approach is to collaborate with you and guide you . Whilst my informed trauma knowledge and own personal experience supports you to reach your chosen goal. My approach is for you to feel empowered as individual and, practitioner to feel in control of making changes towards your best life. Whilst learning to heal and raise standards for those you are in contact with.
We will learn together what real selfcare looks like deeper, than that extra 3 minutes sat in the car to listen to a song on the radio (although that is important). We will look at our own limiting beliefs, that impact how we carry ourselves and as a result our practice. This is your space for self-reflection and self-healing the improvement for your clients is a biproduct.
So many layers to this question! but here are some views to consider
- Social Work is a tough profession you are working with trauma every workday. The decisions you make can change people lives for the better, at times for the worse and sometimes both are true of the same decision. This can lead to an internal confusion of relief, guilt and so much more that rarely gets processed or acknowledged.
- Social Workers are under a great deal of pressure within a structure that is at times confining. Social Work is the systemically neglected “Bruno” of frontline services. Unappreciated, misunderstood, and unloved.
- Social Workers often choose Social Work as a career having had their own individual experiences of trauma, abuse, and loss. It can feel like a calling to do things differently than they experienced and for others to “pay back” to society.
- Social Workers often find themselves putting others before themselves, putting deadlines before family commitments and ahead of selfcare. We preach the need for looking after ourselves but do not take that advise on.
- Social Workers burn out and crash from a profession and calling they love. With every year escalating numbers leaving the profession or experiencing leave due to sickness.
- I want to empower Social Workers to find that love for themselves, that self-worth those boundaries and strength so they can continue to practice what is an awesome career that at the end of the day is needed.
- Just as important as we raise our personal empowerment a side effect is that we raise the standards for the people we are working with. We can expect better, but it starts within.
Working with me in this coaching programme is a big commitment for both of us. I limit my focus to 1 coaching client at a time and we will work closely together over 3 months to strengthen every aspect of your life. Because you are worth the investment and you should be able to do what you love without your own wellbeing being the cost.
Has the weight of responsibility and carrying others trauma become too much? Have you lost yourself? Contact me for a free consultation to see how we can get there together